

₹1450 ₹1510
Product ID :169
Available : InStock
Min Order Limit: :1


BhuAstra Super is an organic solution for reducing very tough and recurrent crop damages due to soil-borne insects, pests like white grub, crickets, cutworms, snails, termites. All kinds of insects generally lay down their pupa in the soil. It is a certified organic solution that revives soil health and preserves the beneficial organisms of soil. BhuAstra Super is a research product that provides crop management to prevent various natural attacks in soil, BhuAstra Super provides Caryophyllene which is a natural substance in soil that prevent soil pest to attack plant roots. It provides neurotoxins that suppress nerve cells ultimately muscle contractions and insect body paralyzed and subsequent crop damage is avoided.


BhuAstra Super is a soil sanitation formula in granular form. BhuAstra Super is not a fertilizer and not a fertilizer alternative. BhuAstra Super is to avoid soil insects like white grub, termites, cutworms, snails, crickets. BhuAstra Super doesn’t harm beneficial insects like an earthworm. Medicine coated on BhuAstra Super releases when comes in contact with water and Get adhere with roots and root zone, so avoid insects to damage to plant roots. Whenever you prepare the land to place seed in soil or during seedling transplanting. BhuAstra Super can mix with seeds and fertilizers while sowing. Every farmer who is about to go sow or transplant is your client. In the case of perennial crops like Kinno, Oranges, Banana, Sugarcane, Mango, Pomegranate, Grapes apply BhuAstra Super during Bahar treatment. Note : BHUASTRA SUPER IS NOT A FERTILIZER ALTERNATIVE

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